Archive for April, 2010

Dutch senbei

April 30, 2010

This type of senbei is called オランダせんべい <orandasenbei> or Dutch Senbei. Why? I had no idea but I just bought it wondering what senbei from my country would taste like. It didn’t taste like anything Dutch to me.
Supposedly, it’s called Orandasenbei because the senbei itself looks kinda European to Japanese and in the place where the rice that is used for this is coming from, they say おらだ <orada> instead of 私達の <watashitachi no> for the word ‘ours’. Orada -> Oranda.

To make matters even more confusing, there is another thing called Orandasenbei but it’s completely different. It’s some Nagasaki product that is supposedly based off the footprints from the boots that the Dutch were wearing in the old days…

Tonight’s dinner #21 26-04-10 & 27-04-107

April 30, 2010

肉じゃが <nikujaga>
I missed eating this… I tried some other kind of potato this time, called 新ジャガイモ or literally ‘new potato’. I like the normal ones better. This one’s taste is for some reason more potatoey.

Tonight’s dinner #22 28-04-10

April 30, 2010

焼きそば <yakisoba>
Easy to make and tasty, but for some reason, I don’t make this very often. I probably like rice better. Japanese rice is great. I will miss it…
Anyway, this yakisoba has thinly sliced pork and cabbage in it.
These yakisoba packs always come in 3 so I will probably make some more in the next few days.

Tonight’s dinner #20 25-04-10

April 30, 2010

Nothing for today! Well.. I had my first hanami of the year today and I pretty much stuffed myself with snacks so I didn’t really need any real food. Let’s face it, who needs real food when you can have snacks? I only ate some fruit in the evening.

Having no pictures is boring so here’s a picture from Wiki of some nice looking Fuji apples.

Tonight’s dinner #19 24-04-10

April 30, 2010

とびきりハンバーグサンド「トマト&レタス」 tobikiri (superior) hamburger [tomato and lettuce]
We went to the neighboring prefecture, to the biggest city in this part of Japan, Sendai. Didn’t do a lot besides walking in and out of shops but this new hamburger I ate was pretty good.
The word tobikiri means superior or magnificent and retrospectively makes all their other burgers inferior or bland.

Superior hamburger
Being a seasonal, time limited product, this link will expire sometime I guess… I hope they’ll keep it on their menu.

Tonight’s dinner #18 23-04-10

April 30, 2010

トマトカレー (Tomato Curry)
Decided to try out the ‘revival of the tomato curry’ from Matsuya, it was taken out of the menu and put back on. I definitely prefer normal curry and meat with my curry. Don’t be fooled by the meat in the picture below. No good this one.

Tomato curry from Matsuya
Just like the availability of the product itself, this link will probably expire sometime… soon. I’d say it’s about time for a revival of the cheap gyuudon.

Tonight’s dinner #17 22-04-10

April 24, 2010

Some eggs with bread .. pretty pathetic but I forgot to put the timer on my rice cooker, came back home late, and was too hungry to wait for it. Pepper and soy sauce made for some ok scrambled eggs.

Tonight’s dinner #16 20-04-10 & 21-04-10

April 23, 2010

お好み焼き <okonomiyaki>
I used salmon as the main ingredient for the first time. It was good, definitely better than the thin (cheap) slices of meat that I usually use.

Tried ingredients in order of successfulness:
1 pumpkin
2 salmon
3 tonkatsu
4 tempura mix
5 chicken teriyaki
6 thin slices of pork/beef
7 boiled eggs
8 soba
9 fruit

To do list: curry, gyouza, fried rice, yakisoba

Tonight’s dinner #15 19-04-10

April 23, 2010

回転寿司 <kaitenzushi>
Went to かっぱ寿司 this time.
I’m losing it… Only 9 plates again.

Tonight’s dinner #14 18-04-10

April 23, 2010

とんこつラーメン <tonkotsu ramen>
Bought this at the same place as the Hiroshimayaki. Surprisingly ok, but nowhere near the richness in taste like the ones I had in Fukuoka.
No picture of my own.. you’ll have to do with this: